Present perfect tense is the tense used to express an action, state or event that happened in the past. And at the time of speaking activities / actions have been completed.
 Formula :


·         TO BE 3 (been) used when a sentence verb element(NON VERB)
·         For all types of sentences, either positive, negative or interrogative sentence using the present perfect tense VERB 3

Formulas and examples of the present perfect tense
·          Expressing sentences Present Perfect Tense  using verbs (VERB)

Subject + Have/Has + Verb 3 + Object
Subject + Have/Has + NOT + Verb 3 + Object
Have/Has + Subject + Verb 3 + Object?
Question Word + Have/Has + Subject + Verb 3 + Object?

·         Examples :
I have lived here for 2 years.
I have not (haven't) lived here for 2 years.
Have you lived here for 2 years?
Jawaban: Yes I have, atau I, have not (haven't)
Why Have you lived here for 2 years?
Who has killed her father?

·         Expressing sentences Present Perfect Tense which does not use the verb  (Non VERB)

Subject + Have/Has + To be 3 + Non Verb + Object
Subject + (Have/Has + NOT) + To be 3 + Non Verb + Object
Have/Has + Subject + To be 3 + Non Verb + Object?
Question Word + Have/Has + Subject + To be 3 + Non Verb + Object?

Examples  :
She has been here for 4 hours
She has not (hasn't) been here for 4 hours
Has she been here for 4 hours?
Where have you been for the last 4 hours?

Present Perfect Tenseis used to express :
a.       Actions that occurred in the past and still have somethimg to do with the present state:
Example :
·         I have collected coins for many years.
( saya telah mengumpulkan uang logam beberapa tahun )
·         Marry has spoken english since she was a child.
( marry / sudah berbicara bahasa inggris sejak dia anak-anak )
·         I have worked here for about six years.
( saya telah bekerja disini kira-kira enam tahun)
b.      Actions that have occurred and are not in the know when it happened:
Examples :
·         He has written book of poem.
( dia telah menulis buku puisi ini )
·         I have seen the football at least six times.
( saya telah melihat sepak nola sedikitnya enam kali )
·         I have known it.
( saya telah mengetahuinya)
·         She has written a letter.
(dia sudah menulis surat.)
c.       The act has been done,it is usually followed such information already, just, recently, etc.
Examples :
·         I have had breakfast already.
( saya sudah sarapan )
·         I have just heard the news.
( kami baru saja mendengar berita itu )
·         I have heard the news recently.
( saya sudah mendengar berita itu baru-baru ini )

Adverb or information which is often used:
·         Already                             :  sudah
·         Just                                    :  baru saja
·         Up to the present time      :  hingga sekarang
·         Recently                            :  baru-baru ini
·         Since                                 :  sejak
·         Ever                                   :  pernah
·         Never                                :  tak pernah

d.      Declare an activity that has been completed at an unspecified time in the past, but the timing of such events do not occur in the most important the most important  thing is the result of actions now.
Examples :
·         She has locked the door, and now we can’t open it.
(dia sudah mengunci pintu, dan sekarang kita tidak dapat membuka pintunya)

e.       Declare activity that has occurred but the timing of these events has not been completed.
Examples :
·         I have written this letter this week.
(Saya sudah menulis surat ini pada minggu ini (tidak tepat kapan hari/jam pebuatannya).

f.       Stating a non-specific test activities before now. In general form this phrase is often followed by before, ever, already, never, yet.
Examples :
·         I have heard this before.
(saya sudah mendengar ini sebelumnya)

g.      Declare an activity that has occurred in the past and is still happening in the present and future.
Examples :
·         I have been here since yesterday.
( saya sudah di sini sejak kemarin (dan sampai sekarang masih tetap disini/ di lokasi yg sama).

Specification of time to the present perfect tense is used: 
since yesterday, since two days ago, since last week, for three days, for three weeks, and so on


Passive voice is a grammatical contruction (  grammatical form ) where the subject in the sentence or clause does not take action, but receives the action or follow-up ( receiver of action) by the other agent ( DOER of action )either mentioned or not.

A.    In the passive voice, the subject line is known by a job, for examples :
Examples :
A book is bought by him                    =   Sebuah buku dibelinya.
 The cat is beaten by the girl               =   Kucing itu dipukul gadis itu.

This passive voice can be compared wtih the prefix in indonesian. For instance : see-saw, bought-bought, torn-ripped. etc.
Manufacture of passive voice formula is :  Subjek + tobe + V3
B.     The pattern of changes in active sentences into passive sentences :
Object active sentence becomes the subject of a passive sentence. Subject of active sentences into passive sentences are preceded by.
Examples :
The girl beats the cat                          =  Gadis itu memukul kucing itu
The cat is beaten by the girl                           =  Kucing itu di pukul gadis itu

1.     Simple Present
Aktif : S + V1 + O
Pasif : S + tobe + V3 + by
Examples  :

Amy writes a letter                  
A letter is witten by Amy
What does Mita do ?
What is done by Mita
What does Mita do
Mary is bitten by John

2.     Simple Continuous
Aktif : S + tobe + Ving + O
Pasif : S + tobe + being + Ve + by
Examples  :

Dina is witing a letter             
A letter is being written by Dina
Who is John bitting?             
Who is being bitten by John?
Is John biting Mary               
Is Mary being bitten by John?

3.     Present Perfect
Examples :

John has bitten Mary    
Mary has been bitten by John
doesn’t bitten Mary           
Mary has’n been bitten by John
Has John bitten Marry
Mary been bitten by John

4.     Present Perfect Continuous
Examples :

John has been bbiting Mary                
Mary has been being bitten by John
Has John been bitting Mary ?         
Has Mary been being bitten by John?
who has been biting Mary?                   
Who has Mary been being bitten by?

5.       Future Tenses
  Examples :

Will John bite Mary?                           
Will Mary be bbitten by John
Who will bite Mary?                             
Who will Mary be bitten by John?
What will John do ?                                        
What will be done by John?

6.      Future Continuous Tenses
 Examples :

Jhon will be bitting Mary ?                   
Mary will be bing bitten by John
who will John be bitting                       
Who will be being bitten by John
What will John be doing?                      
What will be being done by John

7.      Future Perfect
 Examples :

John will have bitten Mary ?
 Mary will have been bitten by John
Who will have bitten Mary ?
Who will Mary have been bitten by
Who will John have bitten ?             
Who will have been bitten by John

8.       Future Perfect Continuous
  Examples :

Will John have been bitting      ?             
Will Mary have been being bitten by John
Who will John have been bitting?
Who will have beenbeing bitten by John
What will John have been doing ?           
What will have been being done by

9.     Simple Past
Examples :

John bit Mary                                          
Mary was bitten by John
Who bit Mary ?                                       
Who was Mary bitten by?
Who did John bite ?                            
Who was bitten by John

10.   Past Continuous
Examples :

Was John doing ?                                   
Was Mary being bitten by John
What was John doing ?                           
what was being done by John
Who was John bitting
Who was Mary being bitten by?

11.   Past Perfect
Examples :

John had bitten Mary ?
Mary had been bitten by John
What had Jhon done?                            
What had been done by John?
Who had bitten Mary ?                        
Who had Mary been bitten by?

12.    Past Perfect Continuous
 Examples :

John had been bitting Mary                    
Mary had been being bitten by John
What had John been doing ?                    
What had been being done by John?
Had John been bitting Mary                    
What had been being done by John

      NOTE :
      Kalimat aktif dapat diubah menjadi kalimat pasif dengan cara berikut :
1. Tenses kalimat pasif sama dengan tenses kalimat aktif.
2. Subjek dalam kalimat pasif berasal dari objek kalimat aktif.
                  3. Objek dalam kalimat pasif berasal dati subjek kalimat aktif.
                  4. Verb / kata kerja dalam kalimat aktif berubah menjadi tobe + V3 atau tobe + being + V3


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